Officers Summer Ball: Ladies and Gents


Forever memorialized on my wall at home is this exact picture. At the Summer Ball, each table had a placard with the names of its occupants. Our particular placard was unique and featured a witty message. As soon as Olivia and I read what it said, we laughed. Both of our names had an asterisk at the end and at the bottom the message read, “Our rebellious colonial cousins are much welcome.” Later, we learned that the staff had not known our names until that day and had in place of our names “American Adventurer 1” and “American Adventurer 2.” Both Olivia and I found this hilarious and would later hashtag our Instagram pictures with “AmericanAdventurers1&2.”


Another highlight of the night was watching the band, “The Mullet,” perform live. The band mostly covered popular songs, which made it easy to jam out to. I would have to agree with the assessment of my POC Grant Davis, who said I quote: “they were bloody brilliant.” Olivia and I spent most of band’s performance dancing by ourselves and being entertained by the Officers who formed conga lines and tried crazy stunts. Overall, it was a lovely surprise getting to see the men and women in uniform in a laid-back and friendly environment.

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